Bankruptcy Documents Get a Real Overhaul

Effective December 1, 2015, the bankruptcy forms get a serious overhaul. In an effort to simplify the forms and provide an easier forum for pro se debtors (debtors filing without the benefit of an attorney) to file a bankruptcy, the forms underwent major revisions. However, as they say, the best of plans are often led astray. What used to be a three page petition portion of the bankruptcy filing has turned into an 8 page portion. There is so much information within the new forms, arguably to assist and clarify issues. But the clutter just makes it harder to manage and more difficult to understand.

When listing creditors, the forms have combined tax debts (priority debts and general unsecured debts (mostly standard credit cards, store cards, and personal loans) into one form. You are required to list those general unsecured debts in Part 2 and then link any additional notice creditors or collection agencies listings to its respective creditors so that the latter appear only in Part 3. It seems a challenge even for the initiated (attorneys and staff) and troublesome to overwhelming for the uninitiated (pro se debtors).

This change seems to have more twists and turns than bankruptcy forms made easy or the effort to write forms that mimic the series- “bankruptcy for dummies”.

If you need an experience Bronx and Westchester bankruptcy attorney to help you sort out this mess, call our office for a free telephone consultation.

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